Phase II COVID Opening
We are meeting on Sunday mornings, but continue adhere to safe distancing protocols.New Creation COVID19 Guidelines
Dear Friends,
New Creation has resumed its regularly scheduled weekly services. We look forward to worshiping together with all who wish to join us. Please note the following requirements for attendance.
- All attendees will be required to wear masks while visiting the church grounds and facilities.
- We strongly suggest that all in attendance wear gloves while attending the service.
- Social distancing protocols will be enforced and will include the following.
- Only contact between immediate family members residing in the same home is permitted.
- Only immediate family members may sit together in a pew section.
- Seating will be sectioned off by tape and will require a minimum of six feet between different family groups.
- Although we all will be excited to see one another again, physical contact between attendees of any sort (i.e., hugging, shaking hands, etc.) is not permitted at this time.
- No one with a fever or symptoms of COVID-19 will be permitted entrance into the church.
- If you consider yourself to be at high risk or sick, we suggest that you use wisdom regarding attendance.
We ask that you honor all the above requirements and look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning. If you are not quite ready to join us but would still like to share in the Word of God, the Sunday morning services will be recorded and posted on the New Creation Facebook page and webpage for streaming at 6 pm Sunday evenings.
God bless you and stay safe,
Pastor Mark Ackerman